I have decided to shift gears and take a look at something a bit out of my normal spectrum of beers: Blueberry Beer! Fruit beers seem to represent a very small portion of what I typically love to drink -and in fact- there's only a few fruit beers that immediately come to mind like Nickelbrook Green Apple, Früili, and Great Lakes Orange Peel Ale. So what makes this beer any different? I've never had a blueberry beer before and I'm curious to see what all of the fuss is about. Lets find out.
This beer delivers on exactly what you expect. It has a playful and pleasantly effervescent fragrance that is both inviting and fresh. This is probably one of the best smelling beers that I've ever tried. It pours a golden yellow body with perfect clarity. The head is frothy and fine with a what seems like an everlasting amount of retention. It tastes as it looks: light bodied with a mellow attitude. This delectable ale goes does easy and is tremendously refreshing. There's also a subtle hint of something spicy in the aftertaste but I can't quite place it. This ale is not potent with hop power and finishes sweet and clean. A delicious treat that would be excellent with desserts and sweet & sour BBQ.
This is a delectable beer that belongs in your hand while barbecuing on a hot summer day. If you haven't tried any fruit beers yet -or you're looking for something new- this is an exceptional place to start. Solid for its style and drinkability so I rate it a B+
check out more from Pumphouse Brewery at http://www.pumphousebrewery.ca
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