I first came across Hogtowns Kolsch ale at The Banknote. This chance encounter turned out to be my first and only run in with Hogtowns Ale for quite some time. This tasty brew won big points with me on style and palette alone. It's a very different beer, and honestly, anything that celebrates my hometown with pride wins my respect. Have you tried Hogtowns Ale yet?
If you aren't very familiar with Kolsch style beer, it's heritage runs deep in the German city of Cologne. This beer is specially characterized with a hybrid of techniques that borrows a bit of aging from ales as well as cold conditioning techniques similar to lagers.
This really is a unique beer that stands out from the rest based on style alone. It tastes like an ale but it's smooth like a lager. Hogtown ale has a straw like yellow colour with excellent clarity. The aroma has hints of grain and cereal. The head has a light white colour with good retention.
Hogtown ale's taste is smooth and pleasant. It's easy mouthfeel is chased by a light hoppiness and a creamy aftertaste that has hints of honey. Style wise, this beer is not going to taste familiar to you. What this beer may lack in punch it more than makes up for in uniqueness.
I love the hometown spirit and style of this ale. It may not win a lot points with the average beer cynic, but the true craft lover will appreciate the stray from the beaten path that this beer has to offer. I salute you Hogtown Ale with a B-(74) rating.
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